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7 Vital Time Management Skills for Students

Time Management Skills
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Date Feb 14, 2022

One of the most essential skills that students can develop is time management. Children who struggle with time management may miss deadlines for their coursework or end up scrambling to do it at the last minute. This is particularly true for students who study online, who could be less regimented and have more flexible schedules. Possessing effective time management abilities can help you succeed in school and later in life. Here are a few strategies for teaching students time management.

Planning ahead week by week

Planning ahead is a key part of time management. You may restore control of your schedule by developing a weekly calendar and making modifications as and when required. You’ll offer yourself a great technique to manage your time and balance your life by organizing events across a week. It may appear simple, and it is. If you know everything that you are responsible for completing over a longer period, you will be able to decide when to work on each task. A good starting point is to make a calendar that lists every assignment and when it’s due.

Start on projects early

Planning ahead lets you start early on assignments. This is important because some assignments can’t be completed at once, and trying to finish them will mean staying up late. Starting early also avoids situations where you must work on multiple assignments at once because they’re due the same day. Also, you may need to ask questions to teachers or work with other students, and they won’t be available if you wait until the last minute. 

Set goals for each block of time

The most challenging assignments can’t be completed in one sitting, and the same goes for studying for important tests. Working on the same assignment day after day without completing it can feel discouraging. That’s why you should set goals for each block of time when scheduling it. If a test covers three chapters, commit to studying one chapter each day for three days before the test date. For an essay, plan multiple sessions for research, outlining, writing, and editing, and commit to completing each step. This will make sure that each study session feels productive even if the assignment is not completed. 

Keep track of your progress

Keep note of what you’ve achieved in previous study sessions. You will eliminate the need to rehash what you accomplished the previous time, allowing you to restart with a clear sense of what to do next. Make a note of where you stopped, what you learned, and anything else you think you’ll need to go over again. If you’re preparing for an exam across many days, make sure you can quickly review what you learned on the first day so it’s as fresh in your mind as what you studied just before the test.

Eliminate distractions

When setting aside blocks of time to work, any time wasted can add to stress and make students feel bad. To ensure that you are productive, it’s best to strictly avoid distractions that can take time away from studying. Find a workspace that is away from other people and put away phones and other distractions until you are done. If you do need to check your phone or relax, do so on scheduled breaks. 

Take breaks

Taking breaks is an essential way to balance schoolwork and relaxation. Students should follow 10-15 minute breaks after an hour of work. Breaks should be scheduled; otherwise, they will feel like they are wasting time and not taking full advantage of the opportunity to relax. You can also take breaks to reward yourself after accomplishments like finishing an assignment.

Get a full night’s sleep

Time management can help you finish projects early so you can get a good night’s sleep. It’s important to take advantage of that and avoid staying up late for other reasons, too. Sleep should be factored into your schedule. More sleep helps you relax, recharge, and improve your attention span.

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