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How Different Forms of Learning Benefit from Online Platforms?

Online Learning
Date Mar 31, 2021
Time 10 mins read

As the world becomes more digital, eLearning is becoming increasingly vital to educators of all types. There are several methods in education, and hence various barriers to moving to eLearning. Teachers might use alternative online education approaches to improve their classes or acquire extra employment. There are several e-Learning solutions and models available, and instructors and educational institutions should be aware of the various possibilities before implementing digital learning tools. Each one has advantages for both students and educators.

Supplementing In-Person Teaching

During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools were forced to use online platforms instead of in-person instruction. Even before this, many schools used online learning tools to let students access course materials outside the classroom. Teachers have had to adopt learning management systems on a greater scale than before, but they offer many advantages in terms of distributing assignments, grading, and sharing materials with students.

  • For Teachers
    This method has helped schools continue their teaching during the pandemic. It has allowed them to organize their classes more effectively and share information with students and parents. 
  • For Students
    Students can track their assignments and grades through online calendars and can submit assignments online. They can easily contact teachers for help online and get a quick response. 

Online Learning Institutions 

Instructors can use learning management systems to teach whole classes for college credit. Digital teaching platforms play a major role in online courses, letting students receive assignments, submit them for grades, take part in class discussions, view live and recorded video lectures, and collaborate with other students. 

  • For Teachers
    Educators have more job opportunities at colleges and universities through online course offerings. They can create unique courses that students will be drawn to take and build their reputation as an effective instructor. 
  • For Students
    Distance learning is less expensive than in-person classes and more accessible to students since they can attend classes that fit their schedule from home and choose schools that aren’t physically close.

Online Teaching Marketplaces

Platforms such as Edmodo and Schoology let individual teachers create classes that they can give; in addition to running courses as part of a school, it’s possible to run your classes and connect with students on your own. One-on-one tutoring is another avenue where teachers can use online tutoring platforms to advertise their services and get paid to teach virtually. 

  • For Teachers
    Teachers can earn extra money and teach the classes and students they want to. The marketplace setup lets teachers compete to offer their services in many different subjects. 
  • For Students
    Students can take courses they find online or get extra tutoring help in school subjects. They can choose the best teachers and tutors using online ratings. 

Creating Content for Others

In addition to teaching courses online, teachers can share resources they’ve created so other teachers can use them, and even get paid through sites like TeachersPayTeachers. There are now millions of resources available online for teachers, making it easier to teach courses. Organizations like Khan Academy are focused on creating and hosting content for teachers and students to utilize. Khan Academy distributes all its videos and resources for free, and it is funded by donations as a non-profit organization.

  • For Teachers
    Teachers can find resources to add content to their online or in-person courses for free or affordable prices. By borrowing resources from other teachers, they can devote more time to other aspects of course design. 
  • For Students
    Students can go online to get additional help from free teaching videos that use a user-friendly, tech-savvy approach that appeals to them more than traditional teaching methods. 


Online learning platforms can be used in a variety of different educational settings, but they offer benefits that are finally being realized to improve the quality of learning and create new opportunities for those in the teaching profession. 

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