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Exciting Careers that Depend on STEM Learning

STEM Learning
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Date Feb 14, 2022

Everywhere you turn, you hear about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) with teachers and employers encouraging students to take classes in these fields. Exciting Careers that Depend on STEM Learning

 In many ways, taking STEM classes can help you find a rewarding career in fields with jobs that are in high demand in areas such as engineering, science, and research fields. They will give you critical thinking and problem-solving skills and encourage creativity that can be used in classes and careers.

 Mathematics is a STEM degree that includes the physical world, the internal world, and the abstract spaces in between. These majors study different forms of math such as algebra and geometry, topology, and applied mathematical fields. Careers can be found in research, teaching, investment banking, and strategic consulting.

STEM abilities such as technology, coding, computer literacy, problem-solving, design thinking, and math are essential in computer science. Those who work in computer science may encounter artificial intelligence (AI), robots, and video game programming. As a computer science major, you have several opportunities to enter the burgeoning field of programming that is utilized on websites, social media, banking and payroll, appliances, and much more.

 Like computer science, studying Information Technology (IT) will have you steeped in STEM skills such as mathematics, computer literacy, technology, coding, and problem-solving. Those with degrees in the ever-growing field of IT can find positions as administrators for networks and databases, application system designers, computer maintenance, cyber security, and quality assurance testing.

 STEM skills are also needed for those seeking to study the stars and planets with a degree in astronomy. In addition to physics and chemistry, astronomy students will also explore skills involving problem-solving, mathematics, computer literacy, and coding. Careers in astronomy are skyrocketing as we explore the solar system, and jobs can be found at colleges, in laboratories, aerospace, and for government programs such as NASA.

 Geology majors are about more than just looking at all kinds of rocks and making weather forecasts. Sciences studied include physics, chemistry, and biology. You will also need to have STEM skills in mathematics and computer literacy as well as creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Careers for geology majors include geologists, meteorologists, field technicians, urban planners, mining, education, and paleontology.

 Physics is the elite level of science. STEM skills used include science fundamentals, design thinking, mathematics, computer literacy, problem-solving, and collaboration. Those studying this major can find careers that explore important global issues such as climate change, space travel, food safety, engineering, and quantum mechanics.

 Students interested in the living world and how it all works together will find a home studying biology. The STEM skills needed include science fundamentals, mathematics, problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and computer literacy. Careers for biologists include research, education, and explorations in nature to find solutions for medical, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.

 Chemistry degrees offer STEM classes in organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. Students study physics, mathematics, and statistics to develop skills related to creative problem-solving, data analysis, mathematics, collaboration, and communication.

There are opportunities for careers in academia and technical fields. Chemistry majors can find work as toxicologists, pharmacologists, and analytical chemists.

 Electrical engineering is another field that has its roots in STEM. The skills needed for a career in electrical engineering are creativity, mathematics, design thinking, problem-solving, computer literacy, and critical thinking. Graduates in this field can find positions working with circuits, electrical controls, and power systems.

 No matter what STEM field you choose, you’re bound to find a job that is challenging and exciting.

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