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Impact of Interactive Trends in Education

Education Trends
Date Aug 18, 2022

Long before the COVID-19 pandemic, online education was on the rise, but the global crisis forced the world to quickly adapt to online learning and new trends in online education. Because of the technology developed to aid in online interactions, the transition from in-person to online learning has been relatively smooth, facilitating access to education for all.

For many years, interactive learning has been employed to enhance students ’ learning experience and retention of knowledge. The 2022 online education trends are intended to help both virtual students and instructors.

Depending on how they have reacted to obstacles, employers anticipate Learning & Design (L&D) teams to accelerate digital transformation even in 2022. As expenditures in L&D programmes increase, it’s time to look at six significant Learning & Development trends that will have an influence in 2022.

  1. Hybrid Learning for Skill Development/Reskilling

Key skills may be developed and renewed in a learning organization. Employees ’ perceptions and capacity to learn new skills are improved by a strong mentality and a knowledge-sharing environment. Learning becomes a part of daily work when it is established in the company’s DNA. Learning organizations, as a result, have a competitive edge.

Even if hybrid cars become the norm in 2022, there will be a stronger need to improve and retrain the workforce to maintain pace with continually updated digital procedures and technologies. As a result, in order to avoid becoming obsolete, certain traditional professions may need to be automated. As a result, business opportunities and innovations, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), might be used.

  1. Micro-learning

Microlearning is a learning methodology that completely focuses on producing bite-sized, effective pedagogical solutions that are generally 60 to 90 seconds long, and is popular in 2022. A good microlearning programme is flexible, interactive, and on-demand, allowing people to study when and how they choose.

It might be in the form of short movies, engaging modules, or a number of different ways of learning and growth. In research, microlearning has been proven to boost information retention by up to 80% while also raising students ’ engagement by 50%. This form of material can be recycled and renewed more readily, and it can then be presented to people to emphasize what they have previously learned.

  1. Social Development

Integrate social learning features in your learning management system in 2022, if you haven’t done it already, so that learners may combine lifelong improvement into their job.

Live chats, social streaming, and private groups are examples of Social Learning elements that may assist keep employees engaged and involved in order for them to experience a sense of purpose inside the firm. Instant polling, screen capture, audio, streaming video, and discussion forums may all be utilized to build adaptable, user-friendly platforms for employees to ask questions, seek replies, share, and remark.

  1. Gamification

Although the notion of gamification is not old, it grew in popularity during the pandemic as L&D departments sought out fresh approaches to develop and strengthen the workforce. By fostering healthy competition among coworkers, gamification is well recognised for raising employee involvement and converting dry and uninteresting teaching material into entertaining experiences.

In the future, gamification will continue to be crucial for the growth of abilities including leadership, interaction, managing stress, teamwork, and diplomacy. Gamification will continue to help employees apply lessons to real – world scenarios to make the course content come to life and retain the information better in the absence of a traditional office setting where employees can communicate with one another and discover new things.

  1. Just in Time Learning

Another trend that is likely to persist in 2022 is Just in Time Learning, which is far more effective than traditional training because it provides employees with learning support while they are working. This type of learning enables workforces to become more productive by investing time in the learning that is actually required rather than wasting time on “what-if” training and development.

All through the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a swift transition to individualized training programmes that give just-in-time learning, providing learners with just what they require and there is nothing more or less. Just in Time learning enables the learners to remember more information by enabling them to draw a link between their problem and the answer they are provided since it is focused and engaging.

  1. Learner Analytics and Reporting

At a time when nearly all operations and training are conducted digitally, it is critical that L&D teams be able to collect data and Learning analytics related to various aspects of employee training. This will include tracking learner activities such as daily log-ins, curriculum completions, and performance, among other things.

Learning analytics will gain even more traction in the coming year as personalized learning remains a buzzword. Given that each learner learns in a unique way, learning analytics allow L&D teams to tailor their approach to each learner’s academic aptitude. An LMS with built-in reporting and analytics is your best bet for tracking user progress for all learners in the organization.  


Finally, as we enter 2022 on a more positive note, L&D teams will continue to be leaders in adapting to the corporate landscape’s constant changes. They will continue to focus on employee development through Upskilling and reskilling, while also looking for new ways to meet challenges along the way. According to current trends, distance education isn’t going away anytime soon. Indeed, it appears that remote learning may become the new normal. The environment of distance learning can foster innovation. You can revolutionize your teaching and improve your students’ distance learning experience with little research and the right technology.

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