Both online testing and online education have been around for more than a decade and a half. Cheating in tests and exams has been a reality for much longer. However, the debate about whether online testing and education increase the percentage of cheating, and the propensity to cheat, is now critical. The COVID-19 pandemic forced schools and colleges across the world to move online. What had once been a choice, now became a necessity. And the spotlight on online cheating became one that could not be turned off or ignored.
Here’s an actual scenario — in a well-known mid-Atlantic university, one of the people who logged on to take a pre-med chemistry exam, wasn’t the actual student. He was a paid imposter. When Proctors reviewed video recordings, it was discovered that this same person had taken tests for at least a dozen different students, in seven universities across the United States. Troubling? Yes. A rare occurrence? No.
When it comes to schoolchildren, the situation becomes much more problematic. There is brazen deception. Then there are cases where youngsters receive inappropriate “assistance” from their parents, siblings, or others. *Curriculum Associates, * Curriculum Associates, a supplier of online courses and exams to more than eight million elementary and middle-school students nationally, examined diagnostic testing data and discovered that distant students at all grade levels outperformed students in prior years in reading. Some age groups also performed better in math.
*The organization’s vice president of assessment and research, Kristen Huff, said she can only make educated guesses as to what may be behind the higher assessment results. If kids receive further assistance, she explained, “We don’t want to label it cheating because we don’t think the adults or older siblings who are assisting mean to do something illegal.”
Direct Ratio of Increase Between Number of Online Tests & Rise in Cheating Percentage
The facts are in and they indicate a direct link between increased online testing and the rise in cheating.
How Can Testing Security Help Prevent Online Cheating?
We believe that online testing and education will be around for a long time. That brings us to the million-dollar question: how might security testing help?
Experts recommend the following five measures to identify and prevent online cheating