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Parent’s Vital Guidance in a Child’s Academic and Social Life

Child’s Academic
Date Aug 17, 2022

In terms of a student’s academic success, parents are significant. They have the knowledge essential to offer the help and direction required. Teenagers desire independence, yet parental support is crucial for their educational achievement.

Here are several recommendations to assist you in monitoring your teenager’s high school progress:

  1. Active participation in Back-to-School Night and Parent-Teacher Meetings

Teens perform better academically when their parents support them in all possible ways. Participating in parent-teacher meetings can help parents to keep them well informed about their ward’s education and related activities. School administrators shall discuss school-wide programs and policies that parents and guardians of juniors and seniors should be aware of.

In high schools, these types of meetings typically take place when parental involvement is essential to address issues such as behavioral issues, falling below grade-level expectations, or benefiting from advanced class work.

For teens with special learning or behavioral needs, meetings between teachers and other school staff can be scheduled. This is to discuss strategies for revising individualized education plans (IEPs), 504 education plans, or other gifted education plans.

It is to be remembered that at any time during the school year, parents or guardians can request and schedule meetings with teachers, principals, school counselors, or other school officials.

  1. Getting online information through School’s Website

Parents can visit the school’s website to learn about:

  • School calendar schedules various school programs, exams, and holidays
  • staff details
  • Events like cultural programs, dance programs, and field trips
  • Your teen’s current grades and incomplete or unfinished assignments
  • Information and schedules that require signing up for sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities
  • Essential student resources for life after high school that can make a big difference in the life of a teen

Teachers, for their part, have their own websites from which students can access study materials, textbooks and other subject-related resources, homework tasks, tests, and quiz program schedules. Separate logins for parents and students are also available on the websites of the district, school, or teacher.

  1. Implementing Study and Homework Strategies:

When there has been a lot of studying to be done, you may assist your kid by dividing the work into manageable portions and arranging it so that many examinations aren’t studied in one sitting. Your kid has to be reminded to take notes during class, organise them by subject, and examine them at home.

With a variety of methods, including straightforward inquiry, requesting the presence of the omitted term, and generating sample exams, you may assist your teenager in reviewing the study material.

Students planning to get admission into elite colleges must also prepare for SATs and/or ACTs. As a parent, it is important to make sure that your teen has a calm, well-illuminated, and distraction-free place to study. You can also make period checks from time to time to ensure your teen is concentrating only on studies and not distracted.

 Parents must make it a habit to sit down with their teenagers and discuss schoolwork to ensure they are balanced. They must assist in creating a homework and study schedule.

 Encourage your teen to seek assistance from teachers when necessary. Most teachers are available for extra assistance before or after school and may be able to recommend additional resources for extra reading.

  1. A teenager’s Breakfast and Sleep Habits

Teenagers must be fueled by a healthy meal in the morning, which gives them the energy they need to be active for the rest of the day. Ateenager’s mental capacity, focus, and memory can be greatly improved by serving breakfast items that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein. You may give your adolescent some fresh fruit, almonds, yogurt, or a nut butters and banana sandwich if they are frequently running late in the mornings.

A teenager needs to stay attentive and be well equipped to study all day, so considering this fact, they need to get a good amount of sleep each night, which is a minimum of 8 hours a day.

Teenagers are deprived of adequate sleep due to early school time and hectic schedules with schoolwork, extracurriculars, and friends.

Parents can encourage teens to follow a regular sleep schedule. They should require the teenagers to go to bed and wake up at the same time every night.

  1. Nurturing Organizational Skills

Teens will benefit from learning and mastering the skills of getting organized, staying focused, and seeing projects through to completion in almost every aspect of their lives. Teens can learn from their parents’ or guardians’ organizational and time-management skills because this is not typically taught in high school. They can help teenagers organize assigned tasks and class information in subject-specific binders, notebooks, or folders.

  1. Knowledge About Bullying and Disciplinary Policies

Every school has rules and consequences for student’s actions. In most schools, disciplinary policies (also known as the student code of conduct) are referenced in student handbooks. The rules typically cover expectations and consequences for not meeting those expectations, such as student behavior, dress codes, electronic device use, and acceptable language.

It’s crucial that your teen realizes what’s expected at school and that you support the school’s consequences when these same expectations aren’t met. It will be easy for students when school expectations match those at home. So that both environments are being seen as safe and caring places where everyone works together as a team.

  1. Helping out at school events

One great method to show your involvement in your teenager’s schooling is to contribute at the high school. However, bear in mind that while some teens may like seeing their parents at school or during extracurricular activities, others may experience embarrassment. As you volunteer, remain out of sight and pay attention to your teen’s cues to assess how much engagement is appropriate for the two of you. Let everyone know that you’re not really there to snoop but are rather attempting to assist the school culture.

  1. Keeping Up Attendance Seriously

Excellent punctuality should be a goal for teenagers. Teenagers may not want to attend school for a myriad of factors, such as harassment, challenging homework, poor grades, social issues, or arguments with peers or teachers, though they are allowed to take sick days off. To find out a little more about what’s triggering any worry, as a parent, you must talk to your teen as well as a manager or school counselor. Teachers will collaborate with parents to reduce workloads or tasks for teenagers with ongoing health concerns so they can stay on track.


As teens spend the bulk of their time off from home, staying connected may be difficult for parents and guardians. Every day, parents must make an effort to speak with their teenagers. Teens will take school more seriously if they know their parents have an interest in their academic lives. Parents must listen carefully, maintain eye contact, and avoid multitasking while conversing, remembering to talk “with” their teen instead of “at” him or her. Parents should ask open-ended questions that transcend “yes” or “no” responses. When teenagers know they will talk openly with their parents, they’ll find it easier to face the challenges of high school.

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